Monday, November 1, 2010

..:.mountain village.:..

My first weekend in Alaska I was able to join some of the CYAK team at a youth worker training weekend in Mountain Village. This weekend was put together to let youth workers in the Yukon Delta region get together and talk about what is going on with the youth. This was an amazing opportunity for me for so many reasons.
1. I was able to see what a village is like.
2. I was able to hear first hand what is happening in the different villages.
3. and I was able to meet the youth workers in person.

It was such an amazing experience to be able to sit in room and dialogue with such a diverse group of people. We brought together people from various villages and various ages to come together and openly talk about the struggles, pain, and sadness many of them were enduring. We had a number of people from Scammon Bay, Marshal, Hooper Bay, Soldatna, and Bethel all talking together, both youth and elder, with the common desire to share the love of Christ with those suffering. It was a truly invaluable experience. Even though it was overwhelming at times to hear about the alcoholism, drug use, depression, and suicides happening in rural Alaska, it was encouraging to hear how the Lord is truly at work through the hearts and hands of these youth workers. It was empowering to be reminded that even when things seem hopeless, we know that God is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Always loving and always with us.

Here is a little run down of a few events from this amazing trip.

We boarded the MARC plane with great anticipation.
and enjoyed the beautiful view

a group shot of the yukon-delta youth workers

after one of our sessions we took a little hike up a hill to stretch our legs a bit

here are a few shots of the village along the way

the top was so beautiful, we tried to soak it all in

and finally made our way back down.

Mountain village is such a beautiful place

filled with beautiful people.
One last passing glance of mountain village as we flew overhead. 
We stopped over in Bethel to fuel up and drop off a few friends.

The two lovely ladies in the front are Mandy and Val both of whom live in Bethel.

Nathan Hanna is the Pastor in Mekoryuk and Matthew is the new youth worker on the island. While we were stopped in the Bethel airport these guys caught a connecting flight.

We made a couple good friends while we were in the airport. This little girl named Brooke (7) and her brother Solomon (9) entertained Isaac and I with magic tricks and candy.

This picture is purely for Hannah, Corrie and Dan Lott.
That's right guys, they were watching The Three Stooges in the airport.
Finally we were on our way home.
We were blessed with amazing pilots from MARC [missionary aviation repair center], who kept us safe and made our flight so fun!
The weekend went by so fast, but you can't help but fall in love with the native people in the villages in Alaska. They have the biggest hearts and seem to just shine with the love of Jesus. I hope I get another chance to get back to mountain village soon!


  1. Brittany! I'm so excited for you and your adventure. I wanted to ask you what your pilots name was? We have close family friends that work for MARC in Alaska. His name is Mark. Also I went to North Park with Matt and Lauren! They are great. I hope you are doing well! love you.

  2. I am going to following your journey friend. It looks like a fit. We'll be praying for you often! Love you, Em
